VolksNav in Cameroon, starting with urban radius r100

Click a red or green circle to discover the national city code of the clicked area.

The blue area shows a quad 100 x 100km. The bended sides "point" to the national pole CM r0.

The definition of the radius r100 allows to build national, urban and indoor location codes based on imaginary clocks which are smarter than room numbers, post codes or other alternatives. They look like this urban example:

  StatusQuo Yaounde m4:7 r22  

This target could be a building, a crossing, a stop point, a bridge etc. within Yaounde. The conventions for this format with hours, minutes and radius are as follows:

prefix of a location code

Bases on an relevant point called r0, the urban pole.

Example Yaounde: place A. Ahidjo

basic horizon hour

This is the direction from urban pole to north.

m3 will be to east, m6 to south etc. These direction lines divide the city like a cake into 12 m-sectors.

number after the " : "
horizon minutes

This is simply the distance to the horizon hour

1 unity = 100 meters.


This is the distance to the pole.

1 unity = 100m.

The small red circles show "CityName r100" = 10km radius.

For more datails, see: Urban systems:

Yaounde CM r0 - Douala CM m9:20 r200 -

more cities: see right hand


National Codes, free https://volksnav.de/Cameroon/NationalCodesFree
Download free Windows converter

https://volksnav.de/converterCameroonFree.exe or https://volksnav.de/CameroonConverterFree.txt (rename to .exe)

download KML files for National Codes

circles hours minutes

